face lifting treatment
Guide to Non-Surgical Face Lifting: Exploring the Advantages

Ageing is beautiful and something to be grateful for, however, desiring to maintain your youthful appearance is completely natural. There are many ways to go around this and one of the easy and effective ways include non-surgical face lifting. 

If this is something you’re considering, read to the end and learn everything you should before booking an appointment. 

We shall discuss the different techniques, when it’s a good idea to get one, and share tips on how to have a positive experience with the procedure. 

What is Non-Surgical Face Lifting?   

Non-surgical face lifting refers to a range of cosmetic procedures designed to enhance facial appearance without the need for surgery. 

These treatments utilise innovative technologies such as lasers, radiofrequency, or injectables to address signs of ageing, including wrinkles, sagging, and loss of firmness. Unlike traditional surgical facelifts, non-surgical alternatives are minimally invasive, often involving shorter recovery times and reduced risks.

Popular methods include dermal fillers, Botox injections, and various energy-based devices, providing you with a non-intrusive path to achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance without being under the scalpel.

Difference Between Non-Surgical And Surgical Face Lift

Non-surgical face lifts employ minimally invasive techniques like dermal fillers, Botox, or laser treatments to enhance facial aesthetics. These procedures reduce wrinkles, restore volume, and tighten skin without surgical intervention. 

In contrast, surgical face lifts involve invasive procedures to lift and reposition facial tissues, addressing more pronounced signs of ageing. 

Non-surgical options generally entail shorter recovery periods and fewer risks than their surgical counterparts. Surgical face lifts provide longer-lasting results but typically require extended recovery and may involve higher risks. 

The choice between the two depends on individual preferences, desired outcomes, and tolerance for downtime.


Who Is The Ideal Candidate For Non-Surgical Face Lifting?

Non-surgical face lifting has no health risks so it’s pretty much safe for everyone. Ideal candidates for non-surgical face lifting include:

  • Individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity.
  • Those seeking subtle improvements without surgery.
  • People with realistic expectations.
  • Those unwilling or unable to undergo surgery.
  • Individuals with good overall health.
  • Those looking for minimal downtime and quicker recovery.
  • People with specific concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, or sagging skin.
  • Individuals seeking a non-invasive, low-risk option.
  • Those interested in treatments like radiofrequency, ultrasound, or laser therapies.
  • People who prioritise natural-looking results without drastic changes.
  • Individuals willing to follow post-treatment care instructions for optimal outcomes.
pregnant women should avoid non-surgical face lifting

Who Shouldn’t Get A Non-Surgical Face Lifting?

It’s also important to understand who should avoid non-surgical face lifting. These may include:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women due to potential risks to the foetus, hormonal changes, and skin sensitivity.
  • Individuals with severe skin laxity or significant sagging.
  • Those with certain medical conditions that may contraindicate the procedure.
  • Individuals with unrealistic expectations of dramatic results.
  • People with active skin infections or diseases.
  • Those prone to keloid scarring as non-surgical face lifting could exacerbate keloid formation.
  • Individuals with metal implants or pacemakers in the treatment area.
  • People on certain medications that may interfere with the procedure.
  • Those allergic to components of the non-surgical face lift treatment.
  • Individuals with a history of poor response to similar procedures.
  • People seeking immediate and long-lasting results, as non-surgical face lifts provide more subtle and temporary improvements.

Benefits Of Non-Surgical Face Lifting Over Surgical Procedures

As mentioned earlier, non-surgical face lifting offers compelling advantages over traditional surgical procedures:

  • Lower risk: Non-surgical face lifting involves fewer risks compared to surgical procedures, reducing the likelihood of complications.
  • Minimal downtime: Thesel options typically have shorter recovery periods, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities sooner.
  • Cost-effective: Non-surgical face lifting is often more budget-friendly than surgical alternatives, making it a cost-effective choice for those seeking facial rejuvenation.
  • No anaesthesia risks: It avoids potential complications associated with general anaesthesia.
  • Non-invasive: Non-surgical procedures are minimally invasive, avoiding the need for incisions, which contributes to reduced discomfort and a quicker recovery.
  • Less discomfort: It typically involves less pain and discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • Immediate results: Immediate visible improvements without the extended healing time.
  • Customisable: Tailored to specific concerns, allowing a personalised approach.
  • Natural-looking: Non-surgical face lifting techniques can provide subtle, natural-looking results without the drastic changes associated with some surgical procedures.
The Technology Behind Non-Surgical Face Lifting
Photo by Instagram TaraBliss: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUHeXsFEoh/

The Technology Behind Non-Surgical Face Lifting

The following technologies collectively offer non-surgical face lift options that are safe, efficient, and tailored to individual needs:

  • Radiofrequency (RF): Utilises controlled heat to stimulate collagen production, enhancing skin tightness and elasticity.
  • Advanced LED technology: Harnesses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate cell regeneration, promoting a youthful complexion.
  • Ultrasound therapy: Penetrates deep into skin layers, tightening tissue and stimulating collagen production.
  • Microcurrent stimulation: Delivers low-level electrical currents to tone facial muscles and improve contour.
  • Laser therapy: Targets specific skin concerns, promoting collagen synthesis and rejuvenation.
  • Cryotherapy: Uses cold temperatures to tighten and firm skin, reducing puffiness and enhancing overall skin texture.

What To Expect During And After Treatment?

A typical non-surgical face lift session begins with a consultation to discuss individual concerns and goals. Following this, the treatment area is prepared by cleansing and, in some cases, applying a numbing cream for enhanced comfort. 

The selected technology, such as Radiofrequency, LED, Ultrasound, or others, is then applied to target specific areas for rejuvenation. Based on the technology and treatment area, the sessions are relatively quick, lasting between 30 minutes to an hour. 

Post-treatment, individuals can expect immediate visible improvements, with minimal downtime and the ability to resume daily activities promptly. 

Follow-up sessions may be recommended for optimal results. Additionally, practitioners often provide post-treatment care guidelines for skincare and sun protection to improve the longevity and effectiveness of the procedure. 

Non-surgical face lifts offer a convenient and efficient way to achieve subtle, natural-looking enhancements without significantly disrupting one’s routine.

Risks Of Non-Surgical Face Lifts

Non-surgical face lifts, while generally safe, carry minimal risks when compared to their surgical counterparts:

  • Temporary redness or swelling: Common and short-lived.
  • Bruising: Mild bruising may occur but is typically transient.
  • Skin sensitivity: Some individuals may experience temporary sensitivity.
  • Infection risk: Lower than surgical procedures due to no incisions.
  • Allergic reactions: Rare, as non-surgical methods often use well-tolerated materials.
  • Uneven results: Possible, but adjustments can be made easily.
face lifting
Photo by Instagram TaraBliss: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIF

The ‘Power Lift’ Non-Surgical Face Lift

The transformative Power Lift non-surgical face lift at Tarabliss, targets visible concerns like a slackened jawline, sagging cheeks, and a fatigued complexion. 

Utilising tripolar technology, this treatment combines radiofrequency and advanced LED technology to stimulate collagen, providing an instant skin-tightening effect. 

Vacuum suction enhances lymphatic drainage, eliminating water retention and puffiness. 

Finally, oxygen infusion therapy follows, killing bacteria and accelerating cellular repair for a radiant glow. 

Benefits of ‘Power Lift’ Non-Surgical Face Lift Process by Tarabliss

The exclusive benefits of Tarabliss’s Power Lift non-surgical process include:

  • V-shape facial silhouette: Achieve a more defined jawline and facial contours. 
  • Toxin elimination: Effectively removes toxins from skin cells.
  • Cellular regeneration: Stimulates cellular renewal for a glowing complexion.
  • Radiant skin: Experience brighter, plumped-up skin with a lit-from-within glow. 
  • Antibacterial properties: Combat bacteria for improved skin health.

The Power Lift treatment includes several personalised steps such as skin diagnosis, cleansing, exfoliation, radiofrequency, LED technologies, massage, and oxygen infusion therapy. 

Post-Treatment Care And Results

Post-treatment care is crucial for optimising results after a non-surgical face lift. Clients are often advised to follow skincare guidelines provided by practitioners, including proper moisturisation and sun protection. 

While immediate visible improvements are expected, final results may develop gradually. Clients typically expect enhanced skin tightness, improved facial contours, and a revitalised complexion. Minimal downtime allows for a swift return to daily activities. 

Some individuals may require additional sessions for optimal results, and practitioners may recommend periodic follow-ups. Overall, diligent post-treatment care ensures the longevity and effectiveness of the procedure, contributing to a satisfying and enduring outcome.

How Long Do The Results Of A Non-Surgical Face Lift Last?

The longevity of non-surgical face lift results varies, typically lasting between 6 months to 2 years. Factors influencing duration include the specific procedure, individual response, and maintenance efforts.

Treatments like dermal fillers may offer immediate but temporary improvements, necessitating periodic sessions for sustained results. Meanwhile, procedures stimulating collagen production, such as radiofrequency or ultrasound, may provide more enduring effects. 

Following post-treatment care, minimising sun exposure, and sustaining a healthy lifestyle can extend the procedure’s effectiveness.

Regular consultations with practitioners help assess individual needs, ensuring tailored approaches for sustained and satisfactory non-surgical face lift outcomes.


Non-surgical face lifting treatments offer many benefits for those seeking a more youthful appearance without the need for invasive surgery. 

With minimal downtime, natural-looking results, and various techniques, non-surgical options provide a safe and effective alternative to traditional face lift procedures. 

You can make well-informed decisions and attain successful results by considering elements like desired outcomes, budget, and the practitioner’s qualifications.

Embrace the advantages of non-surgical face lifting and unlock the potential for a rejuvenated and confident you.

Reach out to us at Tarabliss for more information or to simply book an appointment!

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